Travelingcanbeahasslebut in
thisnewageof technologyand
fast exchangeof information, it
shouldbeanease. TheMarriott
hotelsunderstand the importance
of the journeyandeverythingabout
it. It’snot just about thehotel or
destination, it’smore than that; it’s
about theentireexperience.
With theMarriott app, youcannow
travel brilliantly.Witha simple tap
on the screen, youcaneasilycheck
inandcheckoutwithout anyextra
paperworkorwasted time. Check in
beforeyour arrival at thehotel and
collect your key immediatelyat the
mobilecheck-indesk. Thinkof it this
way, it’s likehavingyour ownVIP
pass inyour pocket completewitha
personal concierge services right at
your fingertip.
have tobeapainanymore.With
tech-savvy, flexible spaces that
help inducecreativityand set the
requiredmood toachieveyour
goals. Settingupameeting is also
aseasyasbookingyour room,with
theRedCoatDirect serviceyou
canadjust everythingabout the
meeting space from temperature to
more refreshmentswithout leaving
your seat.
There’s alwaysmorewithMarriott
exclusivebenefits suchas theRed
CoatDirect andcheck-in services
alongwithearningpoints touseall
around theworld.Other benefits
includediscounts, free stays, airline
miles, dedicatedcustomer service
Not just that butMarriott is
completely reinventinghowpeople
travelwithYOURhelp. It’snot only
about easier check-inor hotel
servicebut alsoabout preferences
and interestsof travelers. Thefirst
co-created inventionwas a “Healthy
VendingMachine” thatdispenses jars
of healthymeals toguestswhoare
looking for aquickmeal on-the-go.
You toocanhelpmake traveling
morebrilliant. Submit your ideas and
helpco-create thenext invention!
Go toTravelBrilliantly.comandcheck
toget inspired.
Your ideacouldbe thenextbig thing.
Travel brilliantly with Marriott
The world is a book,
and those who do not
travel read only a page.
Saint Augustine