Manywomenare subjected to
violenceeveryday. Someeven
suffer from seriousphysical and
psychological damages. Thankfully
thereareprograms that exist
tohelp thosewomenandbring
awareness to theproblem. “Amaal”
is aprogramby theEgyptian
SocietyofWomen’s Imaging&
Healthcare (ESWIH) that aims
to raise funds forwomenwho
were subjected toviolence.
Founder of ESWIHorganization,
Dr.NorranHussein, stated that
theobjectiveof the initiative is to
support thosegirlswithmedical
andpsychologicalmeans tohelp
them regain their confidenceand
becomeactivemembersof society.
TheCairoMarriottHotel supported
whichwas attendedby700
females fromall over Egypt. Part of
theeventwas to shareand support
storiesof oneanother;women
went on stageand shared their
storiesproviding insight andmoral
support tooneanother. Tobring
somepositivity to it, SamiaAllouba
andZumba trainers cheered the
attendees andmotivated them
Animatedmovies areknown for
beingentertainingand fantasy
filled; however, thePinkPath’s
purpose is to raiseawareness
about breast cancer. Being thefirst
animationmovie in theMiddleEast
todo so, theCairoMarriottHotel
andBreastCancer Foundationof
Egypt hosted the launchof the
movieat theAidaballroom. It is
worthmentioning that the “Pink
Path”wasproduced to signify the
partnershipbetweenSusan. G.
Komen, the largest organization
fightingbreast cancer in theworld,
and theBreastCancer Foundation
of Egypt.
After theopening speechbyDr.
MohamedShaalan, Chairmanof the
BreastCancer Foundationof Egypt,
and the showingof themovie;
averyheart-felt speechbyMrs.
GhadaSalahonher survival story
tofight cancerwith the support
of her family followed. Theevent
was attendedby theMinister of
Social SolidarityH.EDr. GhadaWally
who reassured the importanceof
spreadingand raisingbreast cancer
awareness all over Egypt.
Dr. Shaalanpresented theCairo
MarriottHotel theBCFE trophy
in recognitionof our efforts
andcontinuous support of the
Uniting to End Violence Against Women
Right on the
“Pink Path”