watches since their invention. He
kept experimentingand improving
their accuracyand reliability. Some
evencredit him for doingmore for
wristwatches thananyoneelse in
history! After theGreatWar, the
perceptionof thepublicgreatly
changedwhen they saw the
soldierswearing thewatches and
itwasno longer deemed feminine.
Several improvementshappened
through theyears andnewmodels
were introduced. By 1931,wrist
watcheswereaccurate, durable,
waterproof and self-winding
thanks to the revolutionary
inventionby –yet again-Rolex
of theAutoRotorwhich, to this
day, is still beingusedbywatch
companies around theworld.
Otherwatchcompanies suchas
Cartier, PatekPhilipe, Casio, Tag
Heur, Tissot andmanymorehave
all contributed to thedevelopment
of thewatch. Thegreat fashion
influenceof the80smade itsmark
on thewatches aswellwithgold
chains andencrusteddiamonds
aswell as funkycolourswhich
turned it intoamore fashionable
Over the recent years,wehave
seenagreat development happen
towristwatches turning them
from timepieces to smart devices.
Themost recent releaseofApple’s
Watchclearlydisplays thecurrent
trendof evolving timepieces into
amore sophisticatedpiece that
servesmore than just time-telling.
watch thanever before; from
monitoringyour health, answering
calls, reading texts and soon.
Even though thecurrent trend
isgoingdigital, there is still
about anoriginalwell-made
classic timepiece.Whether you
treat it as abasicpiece for time-
telling, a fashionableaccessory,
an investment (Khedive Ismail’s
$5,000pocketwatchwas sold
for $168,000 inanauction) or
amoderndaynecessity; the
wristwatchhas comea long
wayand there’sno tellingabout
thepossibilitiesof its future