Capturing the Essence of
Cairo Marriott
RenownedphotographerNicolasDumontwas able
tocapture theessenceof thehotel and its royal
heritage through the lensof his camera. Thepurpose
of thephotoshootwas to showcase thehotel from
anarchitectural standpoint thatwould reflect the
authenticityandauraof thehotel to itsguests. The
photos focuson the layout and spaceof thehotel
including theexterior, features anddécor.Not to
mention thepalatial flair of theoriginal architectureand
furnitureof thepalace thatwaswell preservedandkept.
The ideabehind this shootwas tohaveamorepersonal
approach that guests can relate to. Byembracing
“imperfections” andnot focusingonperfection, the
pictures turnedout intimateand real. Thisgoeshand
inhandwithour Travel Brilliantly initiative that focuses
on theentireexperienceof traveling rather than just
arrivingat adestination. Dumont felt that andexpressed
his satisfactionwith theexperienceof shooting thehotel
“Thanks again toyouandyour team for agreat shoot
and for theamazinghospitality…oneofmy favorite
Hereare somebehind-the-scenespictures from the
photo shoot andbe sure tocheckoutDumont’sworkat