Marriott international has long
beendedicated to supporting
AfricanandEgyptian tourism. Last
year, thecompanyannounced
the#Activ8Egypt initiativewhich
brings together key stakeholders
from theEgyptian tourismand
commercial industries tohelp
rebuild thenation’s reputationas
a leading tourismandbusiness
destination. Commentingon
the signingof theMenaHouse,
President ofMiddleEast&
AfricaofMarriott International,
AlexKyriakidis stated “Marriott
International has andwill remain
a strong supporter of Egypt’s rich,
historicanddiverse tourismoffer.
Despite thechallenges in recent
years,Marriott International
neverwavered for amoment in
its support for Egypt. At aglobal,
regional andproperty level our
faithwasnever dentedand that
embodies the significanceof this
The signingofMenaHousealso
followsMarriott International’s
2014acquisitionof ProteaHotels
which saw 116hotels acrossAfrica
join thecompany’sportfolio,
making it the largest hotelier in
thecontinent. Later this year,
thehotel company is also set
toopena stunningnewRitz-
Carltonproperty inEgypt, further
reaffirmingand reinforcing its
commitment to thecountry.
MenaHouse is currentlygoing
undermore renovations after
the inaugurationof thenewly
renovated suite “A”. Thehotel
will alsobepart of theMarriott
Rewards Loyaltyprogram
withover 47millionmembers
worldwidemaking it accessible
toa largeglobal audience.
Just like theMarriottHotel &
OmarKhayyamCasino, the
management intends tokeep the
original historic lookof TheMena
HouseHotelmaintaining its luster.
It isworthmentioning that the
hotelwas amainattraction for
influencers andcelebritiesever
since the reignof Khedive Ismail.
figures likeKingFarouk, Umm
authorAgathaChristie, Jimmy
Carter, RichardNixonand the
list goeson! The location, design
andhistoryall playpart inwhat
makes theMenaHouse special for
Egyptians and tourists alike.
The Sphinx and the
Pyramids are world
treasures. We are
the guardian’s of
these treasures,
but they belong to
the world.
Zahi Hawass
Egypt EconomicDevelopmentConference