MARRIOTT BUZZ NO. 9 - 2016 - page 9

The “Lido”GeziraSportingClub - 1937
ANational Turnof Events
Theclubmembers asked the
government for ownership
in 1906but their requestwas
denied, however, theywere
granteda60year lease. By
January 1952, theclubwas
publicunderNasser’s regime.
This changealtered theelite
statusbut pleased thoseof
themiddleand lower classes.
Thegovernment also tookhalf
of theclub’s area tobuilda
youthclub, turning the 18-hole
golf course toa9-holecourse.
By the time6
Bridgewasbuilt,most of the
club’soriginal landhadalready
GSC in thenow…
Nowadays, theclub still
retains itsexclusivenature,
toanextent. Inorder toget
amembership, it is said that
onemust payupwardsof L.E.
650,000.Manyof theearliest
members, still try tomaintain
the traditions as theywere.
Theoriginal hubof theClub is
theLidobuilding, built in 1935,
currentlyhouses theLidopool,
agym,men’s andwomen’s
changing rooms. Theclub still
boasts impressiveground for
many sportingactivities such
asAerobics, Ballet, Basketball,
Equestrian, Golf,Martial Arts,
Polo, Squash, Swimming
and somuchmore! The long
standinghistoryof theclub
guarantees it beingoneof
Cairo’s landmarks andamajor
attraction for years tocome.
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