Thepalacewasn’t at all utilized to
serveguests andwasonlyused
for the receptionand thenguests
were taken to their cabanasout
by thepool andgarden. However
itwasn’t theonlyhotel inEgypt
carrying theOmar El Khayyam
brandname, therewere two
other hotels; theManial palace
andSalamlek inAlexandria’s
famousMontazahPark. Bothof
whichwerealsocabana style that
revolvedaround thepalace.
We talked toMr.Wael Fodawho
wasoneof thefirst people to
workat thehotel back then.We
went ona tour around thehotel
while talkingabout how it all
changedandhow thehotel used
tooperate. Aswe reached the
for events andweddings,Mr.Wael
rememberedaparticularly lavish
wedding that tookplace there.
“Themost luxuriousweddingwas
that of actorHusseinFahmy. It
was veryelaboratewithquitea
bigcrowd”. He smiles ashe recalls
thedetailsof thatmagical night.
Aswemove forward in time to
the70s, thepropertywashanded
over to theMarriott international
formanagement. Theoriginal
palacewas restoredandequipped
withall amenitiesbefittinga
five-star hotel. As thehotel rose
to luxurious levels, theneed for
moreaccommodation roomswas
imminent. And so the twomodern
towerswerebuilt andconnected
to thepalacehousing 1087guest
Today, thepalace is all that
remainsof theestate.Manyof the
original décor, rooms and furniture
havebeenpreservedand restored
back to their original splendor.
Walking through thehalls and
ballroomsof thehotel takes you
back toa timewhen luxurywas
more than just aprivilege; itwas
awayof life. Retaining thiswas
essential tokeepinga littlepiece
of historyalivewhile stillmeeting
Onyour next trip toZamalekor
visit to theCairoMarriott, youwill
seemore thanwhat your eyes lay
on. Aflashbackof royalty, lavish
weddings, extravagant gardens
andeven relaxingpool cabanas!
Onecan’t helpbutwonderwhat
the futureholds for sucha lively
palacebut rest assured itwon’t be
anything less thanoutstanding.
GeziraPalaceHotel, Cairo
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