Welcome Spring!
It’shard tobelieve that timepassesby so fast.Weare
alreadyflying through2015and spring ishere! Theworld
maybegoingat it ina fast pacebut soarewe. First
we reflect onearlier timeswithour historical pieceon
thedevelopment of ThePalaceandour fashionpiece
unveiling the interestingevolutionof thewristwatch.
As always thereare somanygreat thingshappening to
celebrateandenjoy; startingwithEaster and thepromise
of awarmerweather. Be sure tocheckout our plans for
Easter for you tocelebratewith familyand friends.We
alsohaveRamadancomingup! Theholymonthcomes
with the fresh start of summer alongwitha spiritual
uplift anda rather outrageous appetite. Let us takecare
of you –the traditionalway-withour newStreet Style
concept forRamadan.
Excitingchanges tookplace like the reinventionofRoy’s
withadelectablenewmenu.Onamore seriousnote, the
MenaHouseacquisition reallyhighlightsour promise to
the#Activ8Egypt campaign to support Egyptian tourism.
Speakingofwhich, GuyManoukian, the legendarypianist
wasexcited tobeback inEgypt andperform for IRAM’s
Valentine’sevent.Other thanwith jewelry, our support
towomencontinueswith the showingof the “PinkPath”
animatedfilmonbreast cancer awareness andESWIH
event to raise funds forwomenwhowere subjected to
Wecan’t forget it is alsowedding seasonand time for
everybrideandgroom to tie theknot. So sayYES to
#MarryMeAtCairoMarriott and let ushelpmakeyour
dreamweddingcome true! Youcan’t possiblyhavea
weddingwithout awonderful honeymoonvacation.
Travel BrilliantlywithMarriott andenjoy thebenefits
givenonly to thosewhowant thebest of everything.
Here’s toanexcitingnewchapter in2015andmayyou
haveahappyEaster andablessedRamadan!
Omar Tantawy