he infamousRoy’sCountryKitchenhasgonewildand
changed thingsupyet again since itsearlydaysof
inceptionasRoyRogerswith itsmexican specials. It
isnow leavingbehind thecountrysideandcompletely
reinventingwithanexcitingnewmenu! This change
comeswithawaveof deliciousnew items for you to tryout
suchas theflavor-infusedwings, the juicyAngusbeef burgers
andclassic joint sandwiches that areguaranteed to satisfyyour
Start thingsoffwith some tastybuffalo
chickenwings, classicbluecheesedipand
your ownchoiceof sauce, orwith thepeel
andeat shrimpwithmarie rose sauceand
lemonwedges! For vegetarians, the spring
rollsor corn tortillachips arebothgreat to
munchon. If you like it abit spicy, thechilli frieswithcreamy
nachocheeseand southwesternbeef chilliwill authenticateyour
For thoseof youwho likea littlemorecontrol, youcancustomize
your ownburger; choosing size from 150g to300g, briocheor
sesame seedbuns andanarrayof toppings tocompliment your
creation. If you likeachallenge, there’s the450gBigCountry
burger andanevenbigger challenge the twopoundbeef burger
to sharewithyour friends!
Get the stampof approval fromyour tastebudswith thedessert
menu; somake sure todelve into thePhiladelphiacream
cheesecake, theapplepie, thechocolatebrownie sundaeor the
healthier optionof freshlycut fruits for anelevating rush.