theCairoMarriott has special
conditionsdue to itshistorical
Palaceand thevarious
monuments that require special
attention. Since thePalacehas
beennamedahistorical landmark,
our engineersnowworkclosely
with theMinistryofAntiquities to
properlypreserveall theoriginal
antiquitiesof thePalace,marble
floors,wall papers, statues and
decorative items. Fromchoosing
the right temperatureand
humidityconditions tousing
specializedmaterials, all efforts
areput inplace tomaintain the
luster of theseoriginal pieces.
Thepalace, amidst the two
modern towers, is a statement
embracingpalatial flair and
moderndaydesigns. Eng. Taha
Moktar, recalls comments from
guests “Because thehotel is
anopendoormuseum, guests
alwayspraise thecreatively
uniqueplacement of restaurants,
all surroundedby theabundance
of greeneryaround thepool”.
Eng. Tahaadds that thepool
will evenbemore remarkable
as itwill undergoa renovation
projectworthmillionsof pounds.
Technologyplays abigpart in
exceeding theexpectations
of guests; anefficient teamof
technicianswork toprovideevery
guestwithadelightful experience.
Naturally, everyhotel should
maximizeefficiency specially
when it comes toconsumption
of electricityand thedisposal
of trash. Thedepartmentworks
toprovide thebest solutions for
energyefficiency suchasusing
LED lighting, also recyclingand
composting techniques areused
todecrease theoutput of trash in
order tomaintain theenvironment
inwhich thehotel operates;
This attention toefficiencygoes
hand inhandwithour “Spirit to
Serve” initiativewhich focuses
on improvingandgivingback
to thecommunity. There’seven
agreenhouse that is still in
development toplant andgrow
our ownvegetables and fruits.
TheCairoMarriott famousgreen
kitchenalso requiresmaintenance
tohelpkeepall thehigh-end
equipmentworking in top shape.
Inaddition, for ahotel thisbiga
great deal of safetyandhealth
precautions areput inplace. The
department follows international
aswell as local standards for
safety. Dailycheck-up routines are
executed tomake sureall exits
arecleared, exit lights andevery
sprinkler or fireextinguisher are
thegreat deal ofwork the
engineeringdepartment does
but thepicture is alreadypretty
clear. Thankyou toeverymember
of theengineeringdepartment
for alwaysbeingone stepahead
of usproviding thebest possible
service for our guests.