MARRIOTT BUZZ NO. 6 - 2015 - page 35

original palaceand theveryfirst
diggingof theSuezCanal aswell
as theexistingpalaceand the
NewSuezCanal. All guests took
picturesof theboothwhilenational
musicwasplaying to their ears and
refreshingwelcomedrinks served.
To top it all off, theCairoMarriott
hosteda farewell dinner for
theofficial internationalmedia
delegationcovering theevent.
and takenon tour at thePalace
byGeneralManager, HansGeorg
Khalek, Director ofMarketing
Communications and thehotel
Marketing team. Themedia
memberswere fascinatedby the
decor andhistoryof thepalace.
Theywere takenback in time to
theoriginal openingof thecanal
at the receptionwhichwasheld
at SalonRoyal; adocumentary
videoof the storyof thepalace
and theSuezCanalwas shown to
guests leaving them inaweof the
venueand theheritage. Thegreat
finalewas theperfectmixof the
live tunesof theorchestraplaying
while theartful culinarydinner
was servedat EugenieSalon for an
unforgettableexperienceof Egypt
and theCairoMarriottHotel.
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