hiswasprobably theevent of theyear.Whether
youareadie-hard fanor just familiarwith the
name, Yanni has certainly takenCairobya
musical storm. TheCairoMarriott hosted the
legendarymusicianat thepalacewherehe received
nothing short of a royal treatment inhis veryown royal
suiteoverlooking theNileandZamalekgardens. Yanni
was takenona tour through thepalaceand thehotel
whereheexpressedhis amazementwith thehistoryof
thepalaceaswell as thedécor andantiques specially
theeagle. TheCairoMarriott hosted the legendary
musicianaspart ofMarriott’s international initiative
#Activ8Egypt aiming to reviveEgyptian tourism.
TheDreamConcertwasheldby thePyramidswitha
magnificent light showaddingmagic toevery tune.
Egypt’selite showedup to theevent dressed to the
nines. TheextravaganzawitnessedYanniwearing the
Egyptianflagduring theconcert andafter repeating
“Long liveEgypt”, Hehada specialmessage todeliver
“Weareat theheart of civilization. Egypt is theheart
of civilization. I amholdingamessage from the rest of
theworld.Webelieve inyou.Webelieve inEgypt.”
If you followYanni on socialmedia, you’dknow that
theBillboard toppingNewAgeartist postedvideos
uponhis arrival toCairo from theairport to the
Marriott hotel praisingEgypt andhowhappyhe is to
behere. Inhisownwayhebecameanambassador for
Egyptian tourism takingpictures and recordingvideos
to show theworldhowamazedhe iswith thecountry
and itsunrivaledhistory. In the last videoposted
during rehearsals, Yanni stood in front of theSphinx
describinghowhe feels and sharedaheartfelt glimpse
fromhispast… “Theveryfirst songonmyfirst album
30years agowas calledTheSphinx. It is as if I knew
that littleYanni fromKalamata, Greecewasgoing to
make it all theway to thegreatPyramidsof Egypt”.
Prior to theconcert, apress conferencewasheldat
Zaazou,Minister of TourismandAshrafHaridy, heads
of theorganizingcompanyThePromoters. Yanni
talkedabout howdelightedhewas tobe inEgypt and
howhappyhewas tobe surroundedbyall this love
fromhis fans. Headded that his visitwill certainlynot
be the last and that hewouldbecomeanAmbassador
for Egypt all around theglobe. Hisfinal notewas