MARRIOTT BUZZ NO. 9 - 2016 - page 27

The legendaryMajidaEl Roumi performedby
thePyramids inanevent organizedbyAhlMasr
Foundation, incollaborationwithPromoters. The
captivatingperformancewas tohelp raise funds for
thefirst non-profit, specializedhospital in treating
burnvictims in theMENA region.
TheCairoMarriottHotelwas theofficial hotel sponsor
for theconcert; Thegraceful singer enjoyedher royal
stayand thehistorical AidaBallroomwhichhosted
thePressConference. Reporters fromall over the
countrycame for achance to talkwith the super star
anddiscuss artisticandhumanitarian topics.
Majidacomplimented thenobilityof thecausewith
her heart-felt exquisiteperformance. Her loveand
passion for Egyptwasportrayed ina short video for
“Men_Tani_Ala_Masr” (Back toEgypt onceagain),
which is acampaign launchedbyCairoMarriott
inpartnershipwithEgyptAir toboost tourismand
encouragemore travelers tovisit our beautiful Egypt.
Formore informationonAhlMasr Foundationand
howyoucan supportburnvictims, Pleasecall 16863
or visitwww.ahl-masr.orgor ahlmasrofficial on
Facebookand Instagram.
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