MARRIOTT BUZZ NO. 6 - 2015 - page 37

Mr. Andradeexpressedhis fascinationwith the
palacedécor and the richhistorybehindevery
corner hewasfilming.
Anothermediagroupwas also invitedona
tour aroundEgypt by theAmericanChamber
ofCommerce inEgypt. TheCairoMarriottwas
on topof their list ofmust-seehistorical places
inCairo. Thediversegroupof journalists –who
alsovisitedLuxor andSharmEl Sheikh- come
fromNewYork, ArgentinaandMexicowith
avarietyof specializations tocover awide
rangeof topics topromoteEgypt as aprime
and safedestination for tourism. Thegroup
waswelcomedand takenona tour around
thepalacebyGeneralManager, HansGeorg
Director, GhadaAbdel Khalek,where they
wereacquaintedwith thehistoryof thepalace,
visited the royal suiteandenjoyedour culinary
delights at theRoyal SarayaGallery.
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